Monday, October 31, 2011

Cleopatra VII

There are two things that I am weridly obsessed with far more than most people are -- international security studies and intelligent glamorous women in history.

Almost all introductions to security studies begin with a look at Greek war history, as told by Thucydides, and go on with various historical examples through the World Wars, the Cold War, processes of the EU, etc... My current Republicanism class at Hopkins has been really fascinating in going beyond just the basics and closely examining previously overlooked factors of security such as geopolitics, e.g. the way physical and technological factors have affected history.

Alas, women are probably another one of those historically overlooked factors. Lets think about Cleopatra. Here is a girl descendant from Greek conquers of Egypt, who married her little brother to acned the throne and then kicked him off the gain full power. Of course she's known for charming and marrying the most powerful men in the world, Julius Caesar and Mark Antony (wait isn't that guy already Mr. JLo?… I need to know), but she was seriously powerful in her own right. Being a shrewd politician, she dressed herself as the Egyptian god Isis (also the name of my school's tuition billing system) and spoke the language to gain popular support of the people. So what was it? Beauty or Brains? Whatever. She makes for a really great last-minute Halloween costume.

Carbon Black nyx super skinny eye marker on eyes and eyebrows, self-made earrings, jewelry from forever21, Double Zero top, Express skirt, vintage gold belt.

Happy Halloween!

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