Today at Eddies (the grocery store by my school) avocados were 4 for $5 so I decided to make some super quick Guacamole!
Step 1: Slice up your avocado and dice up half a tomato! Place the tomato aside and the avocado in a small bowl. Add 2 drops lemon juice.
Step 2: Smush or scoop your avocado out and add your seasonings. Don't put more than a pinch of each, or you will ruin the flavor of the fresh avocado. I generally use a tiny pinch or less each of: lemon pepper, white pepper, garlic powder, 1/2 tsp honey OR balsamic vinegar (depending on what you're in the mood for), salt to taste. Play with the flavors to your own liking. I generally add more salt at the very end.
Step 3: Mash and stir it up. Don't stir for that long because it's best when it's chunky. When it's a good consistency, throw in your tomatoes and enjoy! I put mine on this sandwich... As a kid, I probably loved eating veggies just as much as I loved ice cream. When a kid's ice cream falls on the ground, he gets really sad. So for me, it's kind of distracting (not to mention unladylike) when veggies start falling out of your sandwich while eating… But fret not my friends, the solution lies in the spreads! I like to put some kind of spread between every layer to glue the whole thing together.
This sandwich goes bread, mascarpone spread, cucumbers, guacamole, fake chicken (I'm a vegetarian), guacamole, cucumbers, hummus, bread. I also really like guacamole sandwiches with fresh sliced mushrooms and ranch dressing. I know sandwiches are supposed to be all about the main protein or whatever, but for me, it's all about the veggies and the spreads. Here's a pic of the stuff I used:
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